Category Archives: Life is like that only

Encounters — India in Chennai

I have had multiple encounters with migrant workers of diverse kinds over the past 5+ years in Chennai. But this one shores up my faith in people. humans. humanity. It is a Sunday evening, and I am walking back from … Continue reading

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On retinas and occlusions

Recently, I developed a blockage of a vein in the retina of the eye (branch retinal vein occlusion, BRVO). Because of this, fluid accumulates in the eye (forming an oedema). This in turn distorts a portion of my vision, with … Continue reading

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On cataracts and sinister left and dextrous right eyes

When you reach a certain age, you tend to develop cataracts, cloudy lenses. And so it was with me. And you have the cataracts removed surgically. And so it was with me, I now have brand new, foldable intra-ocular lenses … Continue reading

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காவல் கரங்கள் Kaaval Karangal Chennai — help for the destitute

காவல் கரங்கள் Kaaval Karangal An initiative of Greater Chennai Police to assist abandoned uncared persons 132, Commissioner Office Building, EVK Sampath Road, Vepery 600007 Maheshwari “does” the kitchen and garden at home. After she finishes work here (at about … Continue reading

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COVID-19 Vaccination: A Paean to the Public Health System

The first dose After cogitating about vaccines – which vaccine, where vaccine, when vaccine, what time vaccine, free/paid vaccine, what-about Cowin: whether register, whether schedule – for some days after vaccination was opened up on March 1, 2021 to the general public … Continue reading

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Cats long have been part of my mother’s household, but only in the past 30 or so years of her life, after my father moved to Madras on retirement. It is mostly the case that she and/or various household help … Continue reading

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Cleaning up, bit by bit

This morning, not able to stand the rubbish on the beach at Besant Nagar, Chennai, I found a large plastic bag and started picking plastic trash along the shore. After a bit (the bag was full and heavy enough for … Continue reading

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Discovering India in Delhi

Finally, three months later than planned, I set off for a bit of shopping, target: Bihar emporium (Ambapali) to buy Bhagalpuri silk. Get off the metro, out via gate 7, pass a group of “Asian Ambassadors of Peace” (or some … Continue reading

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Pressure cookers, spare parts, and disappearing life-styles

A recent consequence of the now monotonous routine of place-pot-on-gas-forget-char was a blown pressure cooker valve, which meant even greater chances of place-pot-of-dal-on-gas-forget-char-OR-watch-it-not-boil-over-AND-not-cook. So, finally being done with exam duties,  I set off on my quest to get back a functioning pressure … Continue reading

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Cashless? Where?*

Kamla Nagar 12 Feb 2017 Take auto — cash (certainly no machine) Have haircut — cash (no swiping machine for small sums, anyway) Buy chappals — cash (machine repair ko gaya hai ji) Buy some dal-chaval type stuff in a small … Continue reading

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